Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Sunshine Cleaning

Cute, kooky,offbeat and sometimes a ltttle weird but definitely a must see movie. Two sisters get into the CSI cleanup business with diasterous results. Amy Adams is great as are all the supporting cast. Also any movie with Zoe(from 24) has be to good--she still has that look! Many little sub-plots add to a very pleasing movie. See it. 31/2 bananas!

Monday, March 23, 2009


This movie has more twists than a pretzel. If you can keep up with the going back and forth in time, and all the sub plots, you'll enjoy. Clive Owen and Julia Roberts work well together as corporate espionage agents trying to steal each others products. I didn't see the ending coming! 21/2 bananas

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Typical Nicholas Cage movie. Alot of great special effects but not very good. Movie centers around a mysterious list of numbers left for a grade school class 50 years in the future. Interesting first 3/4s of movie and then it jumps the tracks. See it for the FX. 11/2 bananas.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Last House on the Left

Killing, rape, blood and mayhem make for a decent slasher movie. Family is victimized by brutal bad guys. Not for the faint of heart. Worth watching if only for the ending. 'R' 11/2 bananas.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Echelon Consipracy

Grade B actors, Grade B movie but still fun to watch if you are looking for some light entertainment. NSA Super computer has mind of its own creating world wide intrigue and panic inside NSA. 2 bananas.