Monday, February 9, 2015

The Wedding Ringer

Kevin Hart is hilarious in this comedy about a guy who is getting married and has no friends to ask to be in the wedding. Hart runs a service that supplies best man and others as needed. A bit raunchy but you'll be entertained throughout. Very, very funny!! 3 bananas

Taken 3

This time Liam Nesson's wife is killed which puts him on the hunt for the who and why. If you liked the first two this is more of the same, high octane kick ass mayhem dispensed by Liam, when someone gets in his way. Enjoyable no brainer for a rainy afternoon! 2 bananas

Monday, February 2, 2015

Black Sea

Submarine drama staring Jude Law as an unemployed submarine construction worker who with a group of Russian and British sub technicans purchase a decommisoned Russian sub to search for a WW2  German sub that was sunk with a fortune in gold in it. Fun  plot but many holes in the story. 2 bananas