Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Big Short

Terrifically entertaining as well as based on factual information of what went wrong and who saw the future outcome of the housing/banking crisis of 2008. A few wall streeters dug into how bundled mortgages were being put together and saw that a major bubble was soon to burst on the US economy. Well told story of the few who profited handsomely by shorting incredibly bad mortgage related investments sold by the major banks as AAA rated funds. Great cast makes this  4 bananas

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Hunger Games part 2: MockingJay

Katniss Evergreen and her loyal band of outcasts finally get the populace to rise up and dispose of Snow the evil ruler. Not a minute to soon as this movie could have been shot in 20 minutes not two hours. 1 banana

Friday, January 1, 2016

Hateful Eight

Old time western wrapped around an intriguing mystery. 8 very bad men are stranded in a stage coach halfway house by a snow storm in the wyoming wilderness. One is bringing  in a woman to be hanged while someone else is out to prevent the hanging. Movie starts out a bit slow but the 2 hours and 40 minutes get very interesting once the plot is established. Samuel Jackson and Kurt Russel are great in this bloody action packed shootem up. 3 1/2 bananas